Wednesday, December 29, 2010


  • 6-10 per acre depending on the type of pasture/forest available
  • 1 goat per person in a family should be sufficient to supply enough milk for drinking, making butter and assorted goods, and feeding pigs

This is a pretty informative statement on a forum I found:
the six goats to the acre is stated alot and may be an average, but i think what they're mostley refering to is normally you can keep six goats on the same amount of ground that it would take to sustain 1 cow. but everything depends on how they are managed and how good your pasture or forage is. i've kept 30 or more on 3/4 of an acre and they couldn't stay ahead of the grass. the biggest problem isn't that they won't have enough to eat. it's controlling the worm load. if you're going to run a big number of goats on a small pasture, they need to be rotated very regularly to give the pasture 3 weeks to a month to let the worms eggs deposited by the goats time to die off. woods are not as big of a problem with worms because the worms get into the goats mainly by forcing them to graze rather than browse which is thier natural way of eating. i don't think you could run near as many in the woods as you could the pasture. i've never really pushed my woods to the limit like i have my pasture. but i have fenced off small portion here and there (1/4 acre or so) and 10 or 12 goats will have it eat down to nothing in less than a week most the time. i've never had a problem with mine running in the woods, maybe i've just been lucky. but they seem to have the ability to know whats good for them and what ain't, or at least not eat enough of it to cause a problem.

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